Professor Charles Spence is an experimental psychologist who popularised the term gastrophysics. The Common Table talked to him about serendipitous encounters and food that makes you cry.
Food startup expert Eldad Arnon is the co-founder of the gourmet urban mushroom farm Tupu in Berlin. TCT talked to him about the realities of sustainable urban food production and his vision for changing how we produce food.
Designer and artist Anastasia Eggers' rethinking of the farmers' almanac Migrating Seasons is one of 16 projects in a new book exploring narratives for existing, disappearing and emerging relationships in the countryside.
Design thinking is no longer fit for purpose. How can design be practised more relationally and inclusively, mindful of complexity and inequality? Through food thinking and asking better questions, says Sophie Lovell, co-founder of The Common Table.
The founders of a tiny Anatolian and Berlin hazelnut business share how they are challenging one of the most powerful food monopolies with fair-labour, biodiversity, creating incentives and leading locally by example.
Jeremy Coller, the founder of the FAIRR Initiative explains how teaching investors more about the global food industry has the potential to effect significant change.
Koji and fermentation expert and co-founder of the Kojicon conference Rich Shih talks about teaching people how to access their lost knowledge of food fermentation.
Noa Kekuewa Lincoln, indigenous cropping systems expert at the University of Hawai'i, explains how core human values are deeply embedded in food and agriculture and that there is much to learn from island diversity and resilience.
Trevor Warmedahl reports on the marginalised Rabari community in Gujarat, India and how a dairy there is working to help return value to their pastoral ways through cheesemaking.